Friday, February 27, 2015

The sometimes sad reality of life and the struggles that come with it

Sometimes in life we are dealt a hand that we don't expect or know how to play. We are faced with unforeseen challenges and road blocks that throw a kink in what was a promising and smooth road. Satan is a tricky thing he tries to make us second guess ourselves or make us believe that there is something wrong with us and throws us circumstances that make us start believing that. These past few weeks have been emotional and trying. I've stood up and faced the harshness of words, the betrayal of friends, stares, and comments. I have fought through the bad and thought that I was on the uphill side and that my sunshine was coming through again. Then there is the punch in the stomach that causes you to backslide. These past few weeks I have cried so much, doubted myself and my abilities, and caused me to become depressed and very down. I don't fully understand the lesson to be learned or the outcome that has transpired but the more I sit here the more I think maybe I am missing something or maybe I have not been faithful enough. Apparently these past few weeks I have disappointed people and lost from friends and I can't change those things. What I am going to start changing is myself. I'm no longer going to look out for other people and neglect myself. I refuse to be treated like less of a person or expendable because at the end of the day I know I have done things the right way, and have been handed a pretty harsh sentence. So starting right now I'm taking back myself. I'm taking back my confidence and my determination and no one is going to tear me down anymore. I'm done!